Climate Conversations from an African Perspective.

COP25: $300b for Climate Finance: Take it or Leave it!

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Good policies but not enough to protect forests in Kenya.

Kenya’s Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) has come with its fair share of blessings in terms of communication and transport. The Mombasa to the Kenyan capital Nairobi line was completed...

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Our Episodes

COP25: $300b for Climate Finance: Take it or Leave it!

by Sophie Mbugua, Baku, Azerbaijan: After tense negotiations, deadlock, and near collapse, the 29th Climate Summit (COP29) successfully bulldozed a $300 billion annual new climate finance goal in the early hours of Sunday morning. Malawian Evans Njewa, the current chair of the Least Developed...

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COP29: USD1.3 climate finance for poor countries, but is it enough?

by Sophie Mbugua,Baku, Azerbaijan: Developing countries at the ongoing 29th UN Climate Summit (COP29) taking place in Baku, Azerbaijan say they need an ambitious New Collective Quantified Goal on Finance (NCQG) of at least USD 1.3 trillion per year.  They have called on the...

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Legislative Frameworks: The Key to an Energy Transition Focused on Human Rights

Clear frameworks for community benefit sharing in the mining and renewable energy sectors are essential. However, Manson Gwanyanya, the researcher and representative for South and Anglophone Africa at the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, told the African Climate Conversations podcast that implementing these...

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How can airlines help bridge existing weather data gaps?

Weather information is critical for communities, industries, and development sectors to adapt to climate change. Despite the severity and frequency of extreme weather events, there are significant gaps in weather observations and early warning services in Africa. However, on today’s episode, Dr. Abubakr Salih...

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Meet a Kenyan teacher teaching children crucial environmental skills.

Our children are the next generation. We, as humans, pass on our legacy to them, whether good or bad. Environmental skills helps children understand the importance of preserving our natural resources and provides them with the tools to become responsible environmental stewards. Hence, teaching...

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How WhatsApp transformed 70-year-old Kenyan woman’s beaded basket sales

This week, I was visiting a town in Makueni County, located in the southeastern part of Kenya. About an hour’s drive from Makueni’s capital town Wote, I met a 70-year-old lady who, after a severe three-year drought hit the village, learned how to weave...

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Environmental Journalist and media consultant based in Nairobi,

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