
Largest Kenyan solar plant but little benefit to locals.

Garissa Kenya: Plonked in the middle of the desert 14 kilometres from the centre of Garissa is the largest grid-connected solar power plant in East and Central Africa, launched in December 2019. Covering 85 hectares, the plant is a vast sea of glimmering solar panels set out in uniform lines. It’s an impressive piece of infrastructure, but…

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COP27: Africa must do more to push for Climate Justice.

Africa is a continent hard hit by climate change though least emitter. Erratic rains and floods, prolonged droughts, climate related migration and conflict, combined with Covid-19 are exposing nations to further debts. In addition, the continent being energydeficient,many nations lack energybase load. In line with the Paris agreement, isAfricabeingpressuredto abandon its use offossilfuel energy while…

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Energy access: why women are catalysts for change.

Climate change impacts men and women differently. When the COVID-19 pandemic has led to income losses increasing the poverty burden in many countries, Sheila Oparaocha, the ENERGIA International Coordinator and Programme manager tell us why access to energy is critical for women to achieve the SDG goals. Also listen to: how can Africa ensure a…

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Why is sub-Saharan Africa so Energy poor?

Africa remains the world’s most energy-scarce continent. Nearly 600 million of the world’s 789 million people without access to electricity live in Sub-Saharan Africa. Despite the abundance of energy sources such as solar, wind, geothermal, and various fossil fuels, countries such as Kenya, Ghana, Eswatini, and Ethiopia have made significant efforts to electrify their populations….

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