Floods in Kenya

Human Greed: The Silent Destroyer of Nature’s Fragile Balance.

Humanly speaking everything existing in nature from forests, minerals, oceans, water bodies, and other natural resources are seen as infinite by the human eye. Infinite in the sense that there are more resources to be mined or prospected for, more land to be utilised, a vast ocean and waterbodies that can handle enormous levels of…

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Kenya’s capital city’s poor planning worsening air quality.

Urban development in Kenya’s Capital city, Nairobi, started when Nairobi was established as a railway headquarters in the late 19th Century. Despite numerous attempts at planning, Nairobi has operated for decades without a plan. Until 2014 when the Nairobi Integrated Urban Development Master Plan (NIUPLAN) expected to guide the city until 2030 was drawn. NIUPLAN…

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