Standard Gauge Railway

Good policies but not enough to protect forests in Kenya.

Kenya’s Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) has come with its fair share of blessings in terms of communication and transport. The Mombasa to the Kenyan capital Nairobi line was completed in 2017. Phase two of the railway aimed to link Nairobi with Malaba on the Kenya–Uganda border cut through the pristine Olooula Forest -one of the…

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Lack of conservation values killing Kenya’s Oloolua forest.

Forests and savannahs provide a wide variety of ecosystem services. They provide food and fuel. Additionally, they clean the air, filter water, and control floods, and erosion, while sustaining biodiversity. However, over the years human beings have plundered the earth prioritizing development needs over the environment. Kenya’s Olo0lua forest an urban forest located about half…

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